
Jeremy Hoffman, Assistant Supervisor of Transportation
(607) 594-3341, ext. 4301
Bus Garage
(607) 594-3341, ext. 4300
Transportation Information for Parents
Transportation policy
The Board of Education policy on transportation states that students who live more than one–half mile from the school they attend are eligible for busing. Buses are routed on passable roads to within one–half mile of all students' homes. Transportation is provided to private school students residing closer than 15 miles from their schools as provided by law. Students residing more than 15 miles from their schools are transported only in cases where it does not require additional bus mileage or the use of larger buses.
Bus Conduct
School rules apply to students on school buses. The driver is responsible for the safety and well being of students on the bus and must be obeyed. It is recognized that the school bus is often crowded and uncomfortable. Students are expected to behave in a manner which does not make the ride less pleasant for the other riders. Bus transportation may be denied for misbehavior. Parents will be notified should this be necessary. Transportation can be denied up to five days by administrative action; suspensions in excess of five days require due process. Students are expected to behave in a manner which promotes safety. Any behavior that threatens the safety of any person on a bus will result in a severe consequence. Students should remain seated as if they have a seat belt on at all times while on the bus.
Bus Changes
There may be an occasion when your child needs to ride another bus. The school needs a note from the parent/guardian before your child is allowed to ride. The note should include the date, the child's first and last name, the bus number they normally ride and the bus they will be riding. There may be times when this is a last minute thing; please call the school with the change as soon as possible, but no later than 2:00 p.m.
Riding the bus is a privilege.