Odessa-Montour voters OK pool funding plan Voters in the Odessa-Montour School District on Monday approved -- by a 190-17 margin -- a proposal to transfer $950,000 from a capital reserve fund to add to the $16.9 million capital project the district has been undertaking for many months. The money will be used to top off available funds for a new pool and related pump room, bleachers, records board and score board. Superintendent Chris Wood has said the bids for the capital project came in lower than expected, leaving money for the pool project. The shift of funds were needed to complete it. Wood, who has pointed to the educational value of the pool -- where kids in many grades learn to swim -- thanked the community for its continued support of "opportunities for our students," and said he was "excited for our kids," calling swimming "a great life skill to have."

Pool Project
November 9, 2022